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Protest Police brutality & Social injustice in African Countries

Across African nations, from north Africa to west, East and southern Africa, there are wide spread of Police brutality and human rights abuse by the police force, charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Law and protecting life and properties of Citizens.

Black protest image.

In Nigeria, the history of police brutality started after the civil war in the Eastern Nigeria. The Nigerian police abused and corrupted the system. The police stop vehicles, search and shot the citizen who refused to pay bribe to them. The population organized national movement against police brutality, ‘END POLICE BRUTALITY’, – #ENDSARS.

Nigerian Protesters against Police brutality #SARS NOW.

In Nairobi Kenya, East Africa, the Police brutality, and violation of citizens right is so egregious. The police appearance and action depict a seeming contingent of Soldier preparing for a foreign war against enemy combat in foreign mission.

Whereas this is a civil internal industrial action by workers for improvement in their working conditions and higher pay.

South Africa:

The Police abuse situation in South Africa is like the rest African Countries. The police enter citizen home without warrant of arrest nor probable cause. Citizens right are violated with impunity. Suspects are torture and force to confess crime they did not commit.

South African Police open fire against workers protesting bad condition of service and requesting higher pay. They killed about 37 people and hurt several other strikers in 2012.

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