
The Epidemic of School Shootings in the U.S.

America’s School Shooting Epidemic

School Shootings in the U.S.

The problem of school shootings in the U.S. isn’t just that they’re a common occurrence – it’s an epidemic. Philip Bump has estimated that there have been at least 188 school shootings in America since 2000. More than 200 students have been killed. Yet more have been injured. Even still, any number of school shootings statistics have not convinced the federal government to enforce strict gun control measures.

Discourse and Possible Solutions 

Some have suggested arming teachers with weapons and tactical training. Others have suggested metal detectors. However, both solutions forget something very important – prevention. Instead of focusing on preventing students from carrying out violent attacks, these methods serve as responses. This assumes that there’s no way for the problem to be fixed at the root – this has been categorically denied by experts. 

In fact, a group of experts even drafted a document outlining prevention measures that could work toward a comprehensive solution. While this document includes points such as banning assault-style weapons, universal background checks, and limited restraining orders that allow authorities to recover firearms, this isn’t all they’re focused on. 

6 of the 8 points focus on other matters – these include removing legal barriers when individuals need to share safety-related information, mental health and threat assessments, rethinking school discipline policies, comprehensive mental health services, policies that address bullying, and more. 

Unfortunately, these have not yet been enforced, and it’s unclear whether they ever will be. This is partly because the country is rife with misinformation – this includes blaming all shootings on mental illness, assuming that psychiatric diagnoses can predict (and thus prevent) school shootings, and that shootings can’t be stopped with gun control.

Of course, this is further emphasized by organizations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) who not only perpetuate these falsehoods but suggest so-called solutions that involve even more firearms. One such example is schools hiring armed security guards.

Even more concerning is the comparison against other countries – while school violence in Europe has been steadily declining, this is not true for the U.S. This is despite the startling statistic that the U.S. was responsible for half of all shootings in research that recorded 57 separate instances in 36 countries across the world.

Yet, Americans remain divided over gun control. While there are heated debates on both sides and some lawmakers trying to change policies for the better, one thing is for sure – the rest of the world’s confusion as to whether Americans truly value the second amendment over human lives remains valid. 

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